Letting Go Lessons from Hummingbirds and Hazmat Response

Letting Go Lessons from Hummingbirds and Hazmat Response

This weekend we had a hummingbird crisis. One flew into our barn, which is large and has high ceilings, and could not find her way out. She flew furiously along the very highest levels of the ceiling, darting here and there as hummingbirds do. My heart raced in worry....
Vermont or Bust!

Vermont or Bust!

Moonlight in Vermont has been one of my favorite rides for a very long time. It was my first 100 mile ride with Ned in 2005. We finished near maximum time, and wiser, we came back to finish it hours earlier the following year. It was Ace’s second 100, ridden by...
Liminality, Benny and an Oh Shit Strap

Liminality, Benny and an Oh Shit Strap

The Dunkin Project is going well. I’ve done some things handling Dunkin in the last month or two that remind me of the time spent with my first horse, Benny. Benny was the horse I “leased” when I was ten years old. “Leasing” Benny meant...
Diagnosis: Failure to Connect

Diagnosis: Failure to Connect

Last week I met Dawn for breakfast while traveling for work. We caught up, talked horses, talked life, as we do. As we were wrapping up, I expressed that I was feeling ashamed that I’d let some things slide with Dunkin. She scolded me just a bit. “No, not...
Endurance and Infinite Game Theory

Endurance and Infinite Game Theory

Photo by Dawn Hilliard. The Wednesday night prior to the Old Dominion ride, I lie in my little trailer, listening to the pouring rain, relentless on the roof. “Why am I doing this?” One of the worst things about the sport, in my experience, is being warm and dry while...