Endurance at Almost 57: New Goals and the Want To

Endurance at Almost 57: New Goals and the Want To

[Feature image photo credit: Me, of Rachel Lodder and Dakar, who I would follow almost anywhere. Pine Tree 50 2019.] I have always considered myself a namby-pamby endurance riders of sorts. I’m not the least bit competitive, although I do love going as fast as...
Legacy of Mom: A Mother’s Day Love Story

Legacy of Mom: A Mother’s Day Love Story

No one’s life should be defined by their tragic death. But that’s what happened to my Mom. So let’s get that part out of the way: Thirty four years old. 1974. In the passenger seat of a Chevy Vega with only a lap belt. At an intersection four miles...
Boomerang Boy’s Rehab: In Praise of The Village

Boomerang Boy’s Rehab: In Praise of The Village

I affectionately call Iggy “Boomerang Boy.” I gave him away twice during my divorce, and both times, he came back. I tell myself he was meant to be my boy. He’s a quirky fella, mostly cheerful and a little crooked. He’s the type who...
Quid Pro Quo and Ponies

Quid Pro Quo and Ponies

Sometimes I’m convinced I’m getting softer and more woo-woo when it comes to horses as I get older. I wish I had another lifetime ahead of me to learn about them, or that my 56-year-old body and mind had the fearless and athletic approach of my twenty-something self....
Observations on Aging and the Sport of Endurance

Observations on Aging and the Sport of Endurance

Purchased photo by the fabulous Becky Pearman. Highland 100 finish line. Steven and Alayna Hay on Mu and Ivan. 5th place. “No one is as old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.”  (Henry David Thoreau) Becoming an elder in your tribe just sort of sneaks up on you....