My New Year’s resolution of “doing a little better” seems to be sticking pretty well.  It gives me some latitude for off-road excursions into the land of watching The Real Housewives or following up a long day of hectic by meeting Anita for Mexican and ordering a second basket of chips.

Thank heavens I didn’t go for the “be perfect” resolution.  That would have been blown out of the water days ago.

Every day I’ve been squeezing in some sort of activity, riding if it’s above 20 and there is not snow blowing in sideways, snowshoeing where I can, and the treadmill for the remaining days.

I’ve worked up to 7 minutes of jogging between intervals of walking and even then I don’t feel like clutching at my heart as I slow the treadmill down from my blistering 5 mph pace.  [I can nearly hear my speed demon friends rolling their eyes in contempt.  Suck it, people.  I’ve always been the tortoise rather than the hare!]

Yesterday my in-laws, Kathy and Fred, as well as my buddy Joanie, joined me for a snowshoe around the woods on the farm, along with the adjoining property.  Good times.  We all took turns breaking the trail and one of us would conveniently claim the need to fix some technicality in order that we all could catch a breather.

I got a nasty blister so will have to rethink my footwear/socks/binding set up.

Nothing like a little apples, cheese, chili and red wine following an hour plus of snowshoeing.  A little reward for being so virtuous on a blustery (but not bone-chilling) day!

Both Kathy and Joanie got some photos so maybe I’ll post them later.  We all looked positively gorgeous at the end — all red-faced and sweaty and disheveled.  So no doubt I’ll change my Facebook profile to a close up of my ruddy face and runny nose.

Happy trails, all!