100s for the Rest of Us

  Reprinted from Endurance News, April 2008, publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372 Some time ago, one of my favorite vets took me aside and gave me a little chiding: “Why no more articles about 100s? I see...

The ride manager/head vet partnership

Reprinted from Endurance News, April 2008, monthly publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372 I’ve just arrived home from the AERC convention in Reno, and both the Ride Managers Committee and Veterinary Committee meetings...

Managing those badly-behaved riders

Reprinted from Endurance News, March 2008, monthly publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372 Admittedly, this is a delicate topic for AERC members. I think the good news is that, generally speaking, badly-behaved riders are few...

What makes for a great ride briefing?

Reprinted from Endurance News, December 2007 Ride Managers’ Column, monthly publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372 The AERC Ride Managers’ online forum members were discussing ride briefings recently, contributing what...

Are you ready for Murphy and his law?

Reprinted from Endurance News, July 2007, Ride Managers’ Column, monthly publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372 Ah, Murphy’s Law. If something can go wrong, it will. Take a big bunch of horses and riders, a little...

What Ride Managers Hate To Hear On Ride Day

Reprinted from Endurance News, June 2007 Ride Managers’ Column, monthly publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372     “Well, there’s not too much blood . . .” “And then the herd galloped...