Jan 11, 2013 | Articles
Reprinted from Endurance News, January 2013, monthly publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372 As Ride Managers, we have a lot more power than we realize with regard to whether that brand-spankin’ new rider at our ride becomes...
Nov 7, 2012 | Articles
Reprinted from Endurance News, November 2012, Ride Managers’ Column, monthly publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372 I find it a privilege to work with AERC’s Ride Managers’ Committee, because I think that the willingness to...
Oct 9, 2012 | Articles
Reprinted from Endurance News, October 2012, Ride Managers’ Column, monthly publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372 My long-suffering husband, Richard, has a theory. He says that if an endurance rider were to show up at...
Sep 12, 2012 | Articles
Reprinted from Endurance News, September 2012, Ride Managers’ Column, monthly publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372 The Parallels in Ride Management and the Entrepreneurial Spirit (or Running a “Just Sort Of Happens” Ride...
Aug 2, 2012 | Articles
Reprinted from Endurance News, August 2012, Ride Managers’ Column, monthly publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372 Wow!! So you want to be a ride manager and put on an endurance ride? I am not quite sure what this malady is...
Jul 5, 2012 | Articles
Reprinted from Endurance News, July 2012, Ride Managers’ Column, monthly publication of the American Endurance Ride Conference, www.aerc.org, 866-271-2372 Quoting Jan Steven’s Vice President’s column from December, 2011: “3,168,000 inches. 264,000 feet. 88,000 yards....